Zip<(Of <(<'TFirst, TSecond, TResult>)>)> Method (first, second, resultSelector)
NamespacesMoreLinqMoreEnumerableZip<(Of <<'(TFirst, TSecond, TResult>)>>)(IEnumerable<(Of <<'(TFirst>)>>), IEnumerable<(Of <<'(TSecond>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(TFirst, TSecond, TResult>)>>))
Returns a projection of tuples, where each tuple contains the N-th element from each of the argument sequences.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public static IEnumerable<TResult> Zip<TFirst, TSecond, TResult>(
	this IEnumerable<TFirst> first,
	IEnumerable<TSecond> second,
	Func<TFirst, TSecond, TResult> resultSelector
<ExtensionAttribute> _
Public Shared Function Zip(Of TFirst, TSecond, TResult) ( _
	first As IEnumerable(Of TFirst), _
	second As IEnumerable(Of TSecond), _
	resultSelector As Func(Of TFirst, TSecond, TResult) _
) As IEnumerable(Of TResult)
generic<typename TFirst, typename TSecond, typename TResult>
static IEnumerable<TResult>^ Zip(
	IEnumerable<TFirst>^ first, 
	IEnumerable<TSecond>^ second, 
	Func<TFirst, TSecond, TResult>^ resultSelector
Generic Template Parameters
Type of elements in first sequence
Type of elements in second sequence
Type of elements in result sequence
first (IEnumerable<(Of <(<'TFirst>)>)>)
First sequence
second (IEnumerable<(Of <(<'TSecond>)>)>)
Second sequence
resultSelector (Func<(Of <(<'TFirst, TSecond, TResult>)>)>)
Function to apply to each pair of elements
Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:MoreLinq.MoreEnumerable.Zip``3(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``1},System.Func{``0,``1,``2})"]

Usage Note
In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type IEnumerable<(Of <(<'TFirst>)>)>. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter.
If the two input sequences are of different lengths, the result sequence is terminated as soon as the shortest input sequence is exhausted. This operator uses deferred execution and streams its results.
 Copy imageCopy
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3 };
string[] letters = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
var zipped = numbers.Zip(letters, (n, l) => n + l);
The zipped variable, when iterated over, will yield "1A", "2B", "3C", in turn.

Assembly: MoreLinq (Module: MoreLinq.dll) Version: 1.0.16006.0 (1.0.16006.1845)